Devlog Week 10 - Polish Sprint week 1

Hello Everyone!

This week we have been polishing our game visually and code-wise as well. We have been focusing on making the world more coherent, more polished menus and UI and adding more user feedback. 


Environmental mist:

 The enemies now come from the icy mist instead of nothing. It creates a more atmospheric world.

UI implementation

 A lot of UI has been implemented for the whole game! Here are some screenshots.

New Pattern Buttons

We have replaced our old arrows with new fancy ones!


Also some quite trendy shoe illustrations have been made for you to pick from. Different shoe types give different advantages and disadvantages.


We balanced the gamemore, hardcoded the beats to match the beats of the song and removed the horde from the game.

We also made sure that when you lose heat during your run, the game slowly turns blue. You can get that heat back by defeating the enemies.

Harmony now dances when you press combo buttons!

Now follows the last week of polish, expect screenshake and more particles effects with more nit picks here and there.

See you next week!

Stay frosty!


Discool 42 MB
May 03, 2021

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